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Art of Wine Series: Doug Clarke, Nostalgic Nights

Art of Wine Series

Join us for an unforgettable dining experience where the culinary arts meet the visual arts and storytelling.

Doug Clarke

An artist from the Suffolk Plein Air Festival and art educator in Norfolk, Virginia. Learn more about our next featured artist here.

Opening Reception, Wednesday February 12, 5:30pm-7:00pm

Restaurant, 1st floor

This will include a cash bar, hors d’oeuvres and a meet and greet with the featured artist Doug Clarke. Art will also be on sale. 60% of proceeds will go to Doug Clarke.

No registration Needed!

Art of Wine Dinner, Friday, March 7, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Restaurant, 1st floor

Join us for an unforgettable dining experience where the culinary arts meet the visual arts and storytelling.

This will include wine parings, dinner and a wonderful discussion with the featured artist Doug Clarke. Art will also be on sale. 60% of proceeds will go to Doug Clarke. Doug will converse with the restaurant patrons about his artistic career, the inspiration for his technique and an overall joyful conversation over dinner.

$60 per person ticket, with dinner and wine pairings included. Please include dietary restrictions during dinner reservations. Gratuity not included. 

For more information or help to purchase tickets, call our main number or contact the Visual Arts Manager at 757-923-0003 ext 108 or email

Rusty Engine Nocturne, 11 x 14” oil on board


Art of Wine Series

(rotating featured artist every 5-6 weeks) 

Join us for an unforgettable dining experience where the culinary arts meet the visual arts and storytelling.
First Event – Opening Reception with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. Artwork will also be on sale! 60% of proceeds goes directly to the artist.
Second Event – Art of Wine Dinner (Food and Wine Pairing with the artwork)
This will include wine parings, dinner and a wonderful discussion with the featured artist. Artwork will also be on sale! 60% of proceeds goes directly to the artist.
$60 per person ticket, with dinner and wine pairings included. Please include dietary restrictions during dinner reservations. Gratuity not included.  
For more information or help to purchase tickets, call our main number or contact the Visual Arts Manager at 757-923-0003 ext 108 or email

Exhibit Details



Opening Reception:

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 5:30pm-7:00pm


The Restaurant, 1st floor (Previously Arts Kitchen)

Looking for other exhibits?

110 W. Finney Avenue, Suffolk, VA 23434
Main: 757-923-0003 | Box Office: 757-923-2900

Administrative Offices are OPEN ~ Tuesday – Friday, 10-5 PM

ART GALLERIES are OPEN ~ Tuesday – Saturday, 10-5 PM
Rental Tours available upon request.

Administrative office, class registration and ticket sales 3rd floor.

Ticket window opens 60 minutes before events.

Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in partnership with Virginia Commission for the Arts and National Endowment for the ArtsDonations are tax-deductible.

© 2025 Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts . All Rights Reserved.  Website Development by Scarlett’s Web, Inc.

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